New Parents Counselling

Do you

  1. Feel overwhelmed by the demand of parenthood, which is quite unlike what you had expected?

  2. Experience difficulty bonding with, or sometimes resent your baby?

  3. Experience a drop in your relationship satisfaction with your spouse, and have difficulty communicating your needs with each other?

" The best and most gracious gift you can give to your baby is happy and psychologically healthy parents. "

However, taking on the parental role, with the accompanying biological, environmental and status changes, may not automatically equip you with psychological readiness to be a parent, even if all those around you may “seem to be” coping well.  Being a new parent can be the most intense, stressful and emotional time in your life.

New parents counselling can help you to:

  1. Understand factors that may affect your parenting style, attitude, belief and values.

  2. Find a safe space to process your unspeakable emotions and feelings as a parent.

  3. Find the right balance of being a parent in your unique way.

  4. Make sense of and give meaning to parenthood.

  5. Build a closer relationship with your spouse.

  6. Form a secure attachment with your baby.

You may either come alone or with your spouse.  Together, Shelly helps you to learn to nurture yourself, make your own needs met, stay connected to your partner and other sources of support, so that you can meet the needs of your baby, as you enter into the new chapter of your life.

The initial consultation

  • Understanding and assessment of your challenges as a new parent.

  • Familiarization with counselling process and logistics.

  • Collaborative goals setting.


Initial consultation: $2,400/ 75 min. 
Subsequent sessions: $1,600 per session, 50 min each.


  1. 父母的角色不勝負荷,和你原本想像的很不一樣?

  2. 有時候很難和孩子建立親密感,甚至對他們產生負面情緒?

  3. 你和伴侶的關係在孩子出世後一直倒退,很難和對方溝通自己的需要?




  1. 明白影響自己管教模式、態度及信念的因素

  2. 在一個安全的空間裏,處理自己難與人分享的情緒

  3. 探索一個適合自己的父母角色

  4. 與你的伴侶建立一個更親密的關係

  5. 與你的孩子建立一個安全的依附關係

  6. 為親職生涯賦予意義



  • 明白及評估當事人面對的挑戰及身心靈需要。

  • 讓當事人了解輔導的過程。

  • 訂立目標。


  • 首次諮詢: $2,400/ 75 分鐘。

  • 其後輔導:$1,600/ 50分鐘