
Ms. Shelly Mok Toi Lam is a registered counselling psychologist in private practice and a certified MBTI trainer. She used to hold part-time academic positions at tertiary institutions in Hong Kong.  Shelly was a solicitor admitted in HK, England and Wales prior to her career change. 

Shelly practices psychotherapy with a psychodynamic approach.  She helps client deal with his/her present dissatisfaction in work, family, health and other interpersonal relationships that are caused by unconscious inner conflicts and repeated patterns.  The focus of psychotherapy is for client to gain new insight and meaning to the unconscious, so that he/she can make sense of his/her life and make conscious choices. 

Shelly also has extensive experience working with children and she provides both individual and group play therapy to children with emotional and behavior concerns. She believes in the importance of prevention, which is also a focus of Counselling Psychology.  Shelly’s another focus is career counselling, which is a specialty within Counselling Psychology.  She helps client who is stuck in career dilemma discern his/her personal identity and meaning in career and life stories, so that he/she can find a way out.  

Shelly has lived and studied in Hong Kong, England, Australia and Shanghai and values multi-cultural sensitivity.  She has excellent command of English, Cantonese and Mandarin.

Professional experiences

  • Counselling Psychologist in private practice

  • Student counselor, Hong Kong Shue Yan University

  • Part-time Lecturer, HKUSPACE (child & adolescent psychology)

  • Part-time Lecturer, HKU

Professional qualifications

  • Registered Counselling Psychologist, Hong Kong Psychological Society

  • Master of Social Sciences in Counselling Psychology

  • Permanent Member, Hong Kong Parent Education Association

  • MBTI® Certified Practitioner

  • Solicitor admitted in Hong Kong, England and Wales


莫黛琳女士是一位受過專業訓練,私人執業的註冊輔導心理學家(香港心理學會) ,及MBTI® 測評工具的認證施測師。 她也曾在本地專上學院教授心理學相關課程。在轉行前,莫女士是一位香港及英國可執業律師。

莫女士運用心理動力學的方法進行心理輔導及治療,善於幫助事主處理由過往經歷帶來的各種現今在工作、家庭、健康及關係上的困擾, 從而幫事主整理人生,賦予新的意義。

莫女士亦有豐富經驗為面對情緒及行為問題的小朋友提供個人及小組遊戲治療。 莫女士注重家長教育,並經常透過講座、工作坊、輔導小組及個人諮詢,提升為人父母的滿足感、意義、效能、信心及技巧。  莫女士也專長於成人職業生涯輔導。職業生涯輔導是輔導心理學家的強項。透過輔導,幫助面對生涯困局的人士辨別自我身份角色、整合人生故事,尋求工作中的意義和出路。

莫女士曾在香港、上海、英國及澳洲居住及/或留學,並重視多元文化。莫女士能操流利英語, 粵語, 及普通話。


  • 私人執業輔導心理學家

  • 香港樹仁大學,學生事務處,學生輔導員

  • 香港大學專業進修學院兼職講師(兒童及青少年發展心理學)

  • 香港大學兼職講師


  • 香港心理學會,註冊輔導心理學家

  • 輔導心理學碩士

  • 香港家長教育學會永久會員

  • MBTI® 測評工具的認證施測師

  • 香港及英國可執業事務律師